Bronllys and Felin-fach
Electoral ward for an election in 2022
This is an electoral division or ward, created for the 2022 election. The ward will elect 1 county councillors.
We think this new electoral ward is similar to the following current electoral wards:
- Bronllys
- Felin-Fach
The candidates for this ward are below.
Name | Party | Current Ward | No. of Votes | % of Vote | Elected? |
Colbert, Tom | Welsh Liberal Democrats | 278 | 33.0% | ||
Davies, Steve | Independent | 74 | 8.8% | ||
Evans, Paul | Welsh Conservatives | 153 | 18.1% | ||
Laurie-Parry, Karen | Independent | Bronllys | 250 | 29.7% | |
Thomas, Tony | Independent | 88 | 10.4% |
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