Spotlight Powys

Members Salaries, Allowances and Expenses 2022/23

Motion or resolution considered by Powys County Council

This motion was heard on 26/05/2022. It was proposed by Sandra Davies and seconded by Ange Williams .

Motion as voted upon

Council is required to take the following decisions in connection with the salaries, allowances and fees that are payable to Members and Co-opted Members of the Council in accordance with statute and the regulations and annual report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW):-

(a) to consider for approval for the existing allocation of up to 17 Senior Salaries (as amended from the maximum 18 by Council) as detailed in paragraph section 4 of this report.

(b) subject to any amendments during or following this meeting, to approve the publication of the Members’ Schedule of Remuneration based on this report.

For - 51
Against - 2
Abstained - 7

Result: Passed
Vote Requirement: Simple Majority

  Voting Record

Below is the individual voting record for all councillors on this motion/resolution.

Name Group Vote

Source: Voting Record