This postcode is located in the electoral ward of Disserth and Trecoed with Newbridge and the community area of Llanyre.
Powys County Council
The County Council is responsible for highways, education, social services, waste and regulatory services. It is funded by Welsh Government, council tax and other income.
Your representative on Powys County Council is Cllr Little Brighouse, who serves as the county councillor for the Disserth and Trecoed with Newbridge electoral ward.
They are a Non-Affiliated councillor.
View their profile and voting record »Llanyre Community Council
Your Community Council looks after local issues such as green spaces and benches. These vary from place to place. It is funded by council tax and other income.
The annual precept request for Llanyre Community Council in 2024/25 was approximately £16,627. For the 2024/25 financial year, there are approximately 588 properties in the community.
For the upcoming 2025/26 financial year, there are approximately 586 properties in the community.
Did you know? In your area, the most common council tax band is Band E with 31.0% of houses in that band.
Llanyre Community Council is made up of 11 councillors.
Visit their website »Council Tax
Council Tax is a local tax made up of 3 precepting authorities - the county council, community or town council and Police & Crime Commissioner. The current breakdown for a Band D property in 2024/25 is shown below.
A comparison between 2023 and 2018 is shown below.
Element paid to Powys County Council
Up £449.58 per year.
Element paid to Llanyre Community Council
Up £8.29 per year.
Element paid to Police & Crime Commissioner
Up £107.47 per year.
During this current administration (2022), council tax for this community has increased by 12%, or £234.24 per year / £4.50 per week.
Since 2018, council tax for this community has increased by 28%, or £565.34 per year / £10.87 per week.